Sunday, November 1, 2009

ObamaCare ~ Lefties Style

So what's here that we haven't all known from the git go? Our favored classes minorities, homos, trans-whatevers, illegal immigrants, hippies, druggies, ect. will get a free ride and 15% of our population that's white guys between 18 and 65 will be paying the bills for all of them. It's called equality.

I resent being beholden to a bunch of gasbags, many of whom are older than dirt, and to a self-serving Marxist of little accomplishment who wants to be king of the world.
Jobs gone; healthcare controlled by political bureaucrats (read ACORN. Oh yes. You don't think they will be in on this?); savings wiped out with the coming inflation; houses foreclosed and purchased by the fed govt when they buy the bad loans; cap and trade multiplying heating costs by factors of 5 or 10; and soon no food on the shelves after they take on agribusiness. THAT's the plan.
I've been screaming this from DAY ONE! This is NOT about healthcare for this nation. This bill is nothing less than a 'TROJAN HORSE', to bring in Marxist socialist/communist controls of this nation!
I may not be the sharpest knife in the drawer. But I know that this was 'The Plot' it was obvious from the beginning and why I have opposed it in its very concept from well before then-Senator Obama ever mentioned 'His Plan', aka Obamacare. Obammy is more mentally ill than originally thought.

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