Monday, December 20, 2010

To The Dumb Ass Libs Coming Here.

As a conservative, so after I am done rapping old ladies and hanging blacks, and kicking faggot's in the balls, and spiting on a black democratic congressman at rallies because he's black. I go to my hous and count my money, I literally take the money away from poor people so I can live big. After all the poor people are just lousy parasites anyway, so who cares about them?.

I would do all this, just to show how bad us Conservatives are and the Liberals are always so goodie good it makes me want to puke.. Is that what you wanted to hear jerkoffs?

Exercise some personal responsibility over your own failures instead of blaming George Bush for everything.

are Marxist, most are too stupid to realize this is only satire. And by the way, I've been laughing hysterically at the Progressive meltdown after the past Mid Term election.

Friday, November 26, 2010

Well you foul mouthed Bitch Sue and the rest of you lying psychopath leftist Obama ass kissing morons.If you don't like what I have to say then you know where else you can go to read the propergander and the lies that you love to read so much.. Go there! And stay the HELL away from here. And that inclues the Junior Detective of the South Park Crime Unit Sleuth.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Big Bad Bill Clinton tried just about everything to dismiss and discredit the tea-party movement

Liberal Democrats and their friends in the media have tried just about everything to dismiss and discredit the tea-party movement. They've accused Americans who are anxious and angry about a rapidly encroaching government of being racists, extremists, birthers, pawns of a corporate "AstroTurf" effort—and, now, potential Timothy McVeighs. No less a figure than Bill Clinton seized on the occasion of the Oklahoma City bombing's 15th anniversary to lecture tea-party activists, first in a speech last week to the Center for American Progress Action Fund, then in a Monday New York Times op-ed.
And let's not forget Ruby Ridge.