Monday, November 16, 2009

Great Job, President Clown.

As I have posted elsewhere, “it is the body language, stupid”. When a head of state bows before another head of state in such a craven, cowardly, appeasing manner, then he or she is sending a signal of submission to that other head of state, he or she is indicating that the other head of state is in fact superior to that person.

The signals that were sent both in Saudi Arabia and now Japan are enough to make people feel even less safe, because they are signals that are being picked up by the leadership of countries that have been our enemies for a very long time (think Russia, Iran, etc). The Arabs would not look kindly on the craven sniveling bow, unless of course they read into it that Obama was surrendering the USA to Sharia law. Fortunately the Japanese are no longer war hawks. In Japan, prior to the second world war, the Emperor was seen as a god, a divine being, and it was customary for the people to bow down before the emperor and not look him in the face, but that is the people of Japan, not the head of state of another country.

Some people have posted pictures of all the other heads of states and their greetings with the Japanese emperor. In every single case there is a shake of the hand, there is direct eye contact. With Obama there is no direct eye contact. That in itself is very telling. Mind you he never makes eye contact with the cameras when he is public speaking either.

It was disgusting to see the US President…perhaps unintentionally…demean himself in the presence of the Japanese Emperor. A discrete, mutual and exactly-equal simultaneous nod of heads between Heads-of-State is all that was needed or acceptable as a gesture of mutual-respect and regard. The Obamaessiah groveled like a Imperial Palace servant of the lowest-rank. But maybe, it's because he has a natural reaction tendency to bow as he was trained to do in meeting with George Soros.

He thinks the charm of his aura will paper over any gaffes. The Japanese emperor looked rather startled, as if Obama had done a backflip and then approached walking on his hands. Great job, President Clown.

All I can say is what an incredibly craven fool…. he has no wisdom, none whatsoever.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Sad, but true, But maybe it's time to surrender in Afghanistan.

It might sound a bit odd for me to make such an outrageous proposal. After all, I'm a hawkish, pro-military Vietnam Vet. Conservative, and I've been a lifelong adherent of the "nuke 'em 'til they glow" school of foreign policy. But I say we should surrender because the facts are plain: we have already surrendered in deed, if not in name.
Yep, it's time to surrender in Afghanistan. Yep, that's right. Surrender. If we are not going to support the troops that are already there and respond to the wishes of General McChrystal who is THERE and is not only in charge of this operation but has the experience in fighting a war, and who was appointed by this Obamanation. Then why the hell stay there?
hell no! American's don't surrender up freedom, life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Alas, you make a most convincing argument. Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness may be inalienable rights but the freedom to enjoy those rights has to be earned because there's always someone, somewhere, that if given the chance, wants to and will take away those rights.
Why waste good American lives there? I hope that we can finally come to terms with the idea that we only engage in conflicts that we seek to win, not just lob missiles and go on bombing raids. This is not the way to win a war. We can soften up the landscape a little, but it takes determined effort and strategy to go to war to win. We have lost our nerve, or are easily sidetracked by news of American deaths on the battlefield. Osama Bin Laden didn't set out just to inflict a little sting against America. He declared war. Bush understood that, but seemed to step back from full confrontation after deploying the troops. I never understood that.
At this point, it's Radical Islamic factions who want to take away those rights, supported by a Russian/Chinese covert geopolitical strategy that is facilitating Islamic terrorism. Liberal pacifism and political correctness have us well into the process of surrendering to them, or at least enough Americans favor appeasement which, in the long run equates to surrender. And now we have a Commander in Chief that can’t even make up his mind as to what the hell he wants to do over there.
In my eyes, being Politically Correct is a excuse for being a coward. The entire PC movement is predicated on cowardice and the liberal left are sniveling cowards as a whole. How many millions are going to die because the pathetic cowardly left who sees no problems controlling their own populations like children refuse to deal with anything unpleasant like the Religion of Death, Islam? Mr. Obama, Hang your head in shame.

What do you get when you have Obama in charge of the war? An Obamanation

On Afghanistan, "None of the Above"
Obama does not plan to accept ANY of the Afghanistan war options presented by his national security team, pushing instead for revisions to clarify how and when U.S. troops would turn over responsibility to the Afghan government.
In other words, in order to make it appear that Obama is actually in command and make it appear like he knows what he's doing Obama rejected everything discussed and actually settles upon what his inside staff at the White House decided with him before any of these conferences took place. Bet on it. Sure think about it for another 75 days... After leaving our troops hanging, they will be left hanging. Maybe he thinks that if he does something we might win! This administration is despicable.
Damn it,
if you're not going to help them, bring 'em home. Every one of them.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

dereliction of duty much more horrendous than 9/11.

The 9/11 attacks were deemed a failure of imagination that islamofacists would fly airplanes into buildings, and that we didn't connect the dots.
Now, we connect the dots, but imagine that it is more politically correct to let our soldiers be murdered by another islamofacist pig rather than offend the religion of peace. I call that dereliction of duty much more horrendous than 9/11.


To me, Veterans Day means; Honor, Respect, and the price we pay or have paid to keep our country free. Those who serve have great respect for our country or they would have never volunteered to protect those who have been left behind. I myself am a Veteran of the United States Army I volunteered and I served proudly in Vietnam. I am retired now . But if I could. I’d do it all over again I would to help protect and serve our great country. GOD BLESS AMERICA!!! and GOD BLESS those who have served and are now serving in our Armed Forces. HAPPY VETERANS DAY to each and everyone of you.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

What Really Happened At Fort Hood

U.S. electronic surveillance technology was able to pick up Major Hasan's phone calls to an al Qaeda-loving imam in Yemen. The bad news is the people and agencies listening to Hasan didn't know what to do about it.
So what was the result? The result is that they won't arrest an Islamic-terrorist preparing to attack! Obama himself has stated his own allegiance clearly!

Obama stated during the campaign, for the record, that should there be a 'problem or war' between Islam and the world: 'I will side with Islam, every time!'

Obama admitted to the nation, before swearing in by oath, that he would NOT HONOR that oath, his allegiance is NOT to us, and he has proven it time and time again!

I know everyone is getting tired of me writing these kind of posts but I must again ask, Where are the Republicans? This incident provides a perfect opportunity to bring out into the open issues like the Patriot Act, the policies responsible for allowing devout Muslims who believe in Jihad to serve in the armed forces, the prosecution of Bush administration officials who kept us safe and all the other issues that expose the Dems for not keeping us safe. I sent Senator Warner an e mail yesterday and among his categories there was not one for terror or even homeland security. These freaks need to be exposed.

Monday, November 9, 2009

We are entitled to protection against our enemies by the Constitution of The United States. Enforce It Damn It

The media and the left want you to believe this guy was a one man sleeper cell with no connection to an overall jihad or coordinating with a higher up.Not to mention pre tramatic stress disorder..Hopefully there's something on his computer that shows a connection somewhere.

When I was required to apply for a top secret military security clearance, government agents went to my previous duty assignments and interrogated my former co-workers at length about me, my views, my comments. In this case, working backwards from the discovery of internet contacts with filthy islamofascist terrorist pigs, the government apparently didn't do what would be expected - talk to his fellow psychiatrists. Had they done so, or looked at his perormance appraisal, they would have all that they needed to take action against him. And we could have avoided all of those funerals.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Obama: Don't 'Jump to Conclusions' on Fort Hood Shooting

"Let's not jump into conclusions"? I bet he'll say the same thing if and when The Taliban or Iran launches a nuke on The US. His speach: "My fellow Americans(of course he doesn't mean it) it is true that we have lost half a million souls. It is true we did not provoke this Nuclear Holocaust. However let's not jump into conclusions"
We have another terrorist attack on our nation and BO tells us not to jump to conclusions. I guess it is only ok to jump to conclusions when a white cop is involved

Sunday, November 1, 2009

ObamaCare ~ Lefties Style

So what's here that we haven't all known from the git go? Our favored classes minorities, homos, trans-whatevers, illegal immigrants, hippies, druggies, ect. will get a free ride and 15% of our population that's white guys between 18 and 65 will be paying the bills for all of them. It's called equality.

I resent being beholden to a bunch of gasbags, many of whom are older than dirt, and to a self-serving Marxist of little accomplishment who wants to be king of the world.
Jobs gone; healthcare controlled by political bureaucrats (read ACORN. Oh yes. You don't think they will be in on this?); savings wiped out with the coming inflation; houses foreclosed and purchased by the fed govt when they buy the bad loans; cap and trade multiplying heating costs by factors of 5 or 10; and soon no food on the shelves after they take on agribusiness. THAT's the plan.
I've been screaming this from DAY ONE! This is NOT about healthcare for this nation. This bill is nothing less than a 'TROJAN HORSE', to bring in Marxist socialist/communist controls of this nation!
I may not be the sharpest knife in the drawer. But I know that this was 'The Plot' it was obvious from the beginning and why I have opposed it in its very concept from well before then-Senator Obama ever mentioned 'His Plan', aka Obamacare. Obammy is more mentally ill than originally thought.